10 Foods To Make You Feel Happy
They’re bursting with folate, tryptophan and vitamin B6 which help to fight depression, can lift your mood and relieve stress.
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They can balance hunger and mood as they help to stabilise blood sugar levels. Bananas are high in vitamin B6 which can help to relive anxiety and stress.
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Brazil nuts
They’re one of the best sources of the mood-boosting mineral selenium and this can help ward off anxiety and low moods.
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Your daily slice of bread boosts levels of serotonin – which helps you feel happier and calmer. Wholemeal bread produces less serotonin than white but the energy it produces has more staying power, so you will avoid that heavy slumpy feeling you can experience after eating white bread.
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They’re a great source of zinc, which helps you to feel more alert and energised. Eggs regulate your metabolism and blood sugar levels.
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Oily fish
Fish such as sardines and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help the brain to boost concentration levels. Low levels of these types of fatty acids are actually linked with depression and other mood disorders.
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It’s rich in iron: a great energy booster that fights off fatigue and helps with concentration. Spinach is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folate, which support the brain’s ability to produce mood-boosting neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.
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Sweet potatoes
They’re a great alternative to potatoes as they are rich in folate. Plus they are better than white potatoes at keeping blood sugar levels steady.
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It’s rich in protein, which increases energy levels and improves concentration. It also contains an amino acid called tyrosine, which boosts the brain chemicals and can help elevate your mood.
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It’s rich in calcium, which can help ease mood swings, depression and anxiety.
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A new Spanish study involving more than 15,000 people has found a Mediterranean diet loaded with fruit, vegetables, fish, beans, nuts and olive oil, but with low levels of processed meats, could help ward of depression.
Nutritionist Linda Foster says: “There’s certainly more and more research indicating that diet can influence brain chemistry, with this latest study adding more weight to the idea we can eat ourselves happier."
“We don’t have the whole picture yet but there are clear indications that, along with regular exercise, sticking to the right diet could help ward off the blues.”
The science behind food’s effect on happiness is based on evidence that dietary changes can bring about changes in our brain chemistry – altering the hormones responsible for controlling our mood.
As well as looking at key mood-lifting foods, there has also been interesting research to suggest that trying to lose weight on a diet that restricts calories too severely can have a detrimental effect on mood.
Linda says: “Many of the pathways in the brain that deal with mood and hunger are linked.
“So it’s no surprise that feeling hungry goes hand-in-hand with feeling grumpy.”
Try to eat two or more of these natural happiness enhancers every day…