Facts You Didn't Know About Lefties
Left handed men may make more money.
According to studies, left handed males who have gone to university earn 13% more than their right handed counterparts.
Oddly though the results are quite different for women, with lefties earning 5% less than women who are right handed.
Photo: Getty
Half of cats are left-handed
Lefties may be under-represented in humans but our furry friends are more than making up for it. Around 50% of cats are left-handed (or should that be left-pawed), according to research.
Photo: iStock
You could die sooner
According to a study lefties live around nine years less than their right-handed counterparts. Unlucky.
President Barrack Obama is left handed. Photo: Getty
Higher risk of insomnia, psychosis and alcoholism
South-paws are more prone to have allergies and migraines, and research suggests that they are also more likely to become alcoholics. It's because the right side of the brain has a lower tolerance to alcohol. Also, Yale University researchers concluded that around 40 % of schizophrenic patients were left-handed, with theories suggesting that brain laterality plays a role.
Photo: Getty
Many leaders are lefties
Leaders throughout history are more likely to be left-handed.
US Presidents to be left-handed include current leader Barack Obama and former White House chiefs Bill Clinton, George Bush and Gerald Ford.
Lefties in the British royal family include the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William.
Photo: Getty
Left handers are bad (maybe)
As well as references in history to left-handers being in league with the devil there are some pretty nasty people who were lefties - Jack the Ripper, and Osama Bin Laden to name two.
Photo: Getty
Quicker typers
On a keyboard, there are around 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand
Whereas only 187 are typed with the right.
Photo: iStock
Left-handed people scare easier
In a horror movie experiment, left-handers who watched an eight-minute clip from The Silence of the Lambs showed more fear than right-handers.
Scientists believe that this may be because the right side of the brain is dominant in lefties and is more involved in fear responses.
Photo: iStock
Creative powerhouses
Lefties are better at multi-tasking and make especially good sportsmen - Rafael Nadal and Cesc Fàbregas are ones.
And lefties also tend to be drawn to careers in the arts, music and culture fields.
They are also better at 3D perception and thought processing.
Tests conducted by New York researches found that there were more left-handed people with IQs over 140 than right-handed people. Famous left-handed intellectuals include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin.
Photo: iStock
In many Islamic countries, people are forbidden to eat with their left hand, which is considered “unclean” because it is used for cleaning the body after going to the loo.
Apparently “public display” or use of the left hand is also against the law in some Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia.
Photo: iStock
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Nobody has counted them all but studies suggest between 10-30% of the world population is left-handed.
And we celebrate them! Here are some facts you may not have known about lefties!