These Photos Have the Internet Stumped

A stunning set of old photos found in an op-shop by an American photographer has internet super-sleuths working overtime to identify who took them, who's in them, and where they were shot.

Photographer Meagan Abell found the film negatives in a box of old photographs in a local op-shop where she lives in Richmond, Virginia. In an op-shopper's dream she took them home and had them scanned to discover - in her own words - "holy wow they are beautiful!"

She posted the photographs to her Facebook with the hashtag #FindTheGirlsOnTheNegatives in an attempt to harness the collective detective power of the internet to find out more.

The identity of the photographer and models appears to remain a mystery. 

Okay so here's the lowdown. I found 4 sets of medium format negatives while I was thrift shop hunting a few weeks ago....

Posted by Meagan 'Irene' Abell on Wednesday, 29 July 2015

- NZHerald