These Triplets Were Born Three Years Apart...WHAT!?
1/4 Triplet brother George (centre) arrived into the world three years in front of his sister Lilah (left) and brother Noah.
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People have trouble believing Sarah Swann's three children are triplets...
George arrived into the world three years in front of his sister Lilah and brother Noah - but they were all conceived at the same time.
Miss Swann didn’t start trying for a family until she was 40.
She said: ‘It is amazing to think my triplets were born three years apart. People can’t believe it when I tell them that they were all conceived at the same time.
‘Once he had got used to the idea, George couldn’t wait to meet his baby brother and sister. My family is finally complete after all this time.’
Miss Swann's first IVF treatment was unsuccessful but her second course worked and five good quality eggs were successfully fertilised.
Two were put back into her womb and three were put in the freezer. She discovered she was pregnant two weeks later.
She said: ‘I was thrilled when I knew the treatment had worked and I was actually pregnant. The first three months I was on tenterhooks in case anything went wrong. But luckily my pregnancy went smoothly and I felt amazing.’
‘I loved being a mum to George, and I was desperate for him to have a little brother or sister before it was too late.’
She underwent another course of IVF treatment and this time she had two embryos put back in again.
Two weeks later she discovered she was pregnant, and then a scan showed that she was actually pregnant with twins.
She said: ‘I just couldn’t believe it. Both the embryos had worked. The monographer was smiling as she asked me how I would feel if it was twins. I had two embryos put back in to give me a better chance of getting pregnant with one baby because of my age. I never expected for them both to work.’
‘I couldn’t believe that my little triplet family was complete - even if Noah and Lilah have been born three years behind their big brother.
‘Noah is the spitting image of George when he was a newborn baby, although their personalities are very different. George never slept through the night, but Noah is so laid back and chilled out.
‘People can’t believe they are actually triplets when I tell them that they were actually conceived at the same time. When they old enough I will tell them of their unusual start in life.
‘But for now I’m just enjoying having my triplet babies. Having three babies so young is hard work, but its all worth it to be a mum.’