R18: Why Do Women Favour Lesbian Porn?
- Publish Date
- Friday, 10 October 2014, 3:51PM

There's a stereotype that women don't like watching porn. Not only has this been proven in a number of studies to be untrue but now because of a recent study from Pornhub Insights in collaboration with Buzzfeed we can see what they're searching for.
Some of the results aren't surprising...of course women are more likely to search for "porn for women". Pornhub did unearth something very surprising, though: the number of straight women turning to lesbian or gay male porn.
In fact, women are 132 percent more likely to search for lesbian porn, despite the fact that “lesbian” is the sixth most searched-for term for straight males. They’re also 900 percent more likely to search for the term “eating pussy” than men are:
The insights study doesn't actually differenciate between heterosexual and homosexual viewers, so it’s certainly possible that the source of these numbers are predominantly from lesbians, rather than heterosexual women.
But assuming that’s not the case, and that heterosexual women are increasingly watching porn online (which recent studies tell us they are), why would so many straight women prefer gay porn to porn that would ostensibly be targeted at them and their desires?
For a start, most heterosexual porn isn’t targeted at women, with the vast majority being directed and produced by men, for men, featuring sexual acts that aren’t intended to be pleasurable for women.
Part of this probably has to do with two things: 1) Many of the assumptions made about what women want from porn are inherently sexist, and 2) Much of the so-called “female-friendly” porn isn’t any more “female-friendly” than the hardcore 10-minute Brazzers clips on Pornhub.
For instance, while Buzzfeed cites the erotica website X-art, which produces gauzy, soft-focus, narrative-driven content, as an example of “porn for women,” the website features a fairly narrow range of female bodies—thin, white, able-bodied, often surgically enhanced—and features just as many shots that men generally prefer as traditional hardcore porn films do.
Straight watchers of lesbian porn have explained that cunnilingus usually only goes for a couple of seconds in straight porn but in lesbian porn it's usually the main event.
Women who prefer gay male porn to heterosexual porn do so for similar reasons. Because so much heterose
Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Snowing.cshtml)xual porn features degrading or exploitative sex acts, there’s a widespread perception that the female performers are being degraded or exploited as well. Because gay male porn doesn’t actually feature any female performers, there’s no chance of seeing some poor eastern European girl gag on a giant phallus or get expectorated on during a gangbang.
“With gay male porn, the actors look like they’re having fun and enjoying sex,” one commenter on the lesbian site Grace the Spot puts it. “With all other types of porn, more often than not, it looks contrived, overacted, unbelievable, ridiculous, or just plain unfun.”
Very interesting stuff...................!