A Blogger Who Wants to Legalise Rape Arranges Meet-Ups in NZ
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 2 February 2016, 11:26AM

Photo: YouTube
An anti-feminist blogger who thinks rape should be legalised on private property has organised an international meet-up day for like-minded men - including dates in New Zealand.
Controversial author and pick-up artist Daryush Valizadeh runs "neomasculinity" group Return of Kings (ROK), and has planned the "tribal meeting" for his followers, according to his website.
Women, gay men and transgender men are not invited.
There are 165 meetings in 45 different countries planned for the international meet-up day, which will kick off at 8pm local time.
Meeting spots have been organised in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin, with the exact locations published on his blog, including a secret code-word greeting to identify "fellow tribesmen".
Men who want to attend the meetings must ask: "Where is the nearest pet shop?" to men in the area, and if they respond with, "Yes, it's right here", they are advised to introduce themselves to each other and get the details of the final secret location.
The New Zealand meet-up points have been identified as Auckland's Aotea Square, Glover Park in Wellington and in front of Dunedin Town Hall.
On his website, Valizadeh said the gatherings were designed for "male bonding".
According to the website's "About" page, the group is aimed at "a small but vocal collection of men in America today who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine".
The website claims that the "elimination of traditional sex roles and the promotion of unlimited mating choice in women unleashes their promiscuity and other negative behaviors that block family formation".
In September, a petition was launched to have Valizadeh's self-published "pro-rape" books removed from the online retail giant Amazon.
Valizadeh says: "Our views are becoming known enough that we can 'come out' of the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen for fear of retaliation.
"Up to now, the enemy has been able to exert their power by isolating us and attacking with shrieking mobs, but we'll be able to neutralize that tactic by amassing in high numbers come February 6.
"I will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date (remember to record them). Therefore let the sixth of February be a clear signal to all that we're not going anywhere. We have finally arrived."