Beauty Pageant Runner-Up is Being Bullied Online For Being "Too Fat"
- Publish Date
- Monday, 19 September 2016, 10:48AM

Photo: Instagram
A fashion model has launched a body shaming campaign against a Miss Italy contestant claiming that she's "too fat" to compete.
22-year-old engineering student Paola Torrente got second place in the most recent Miss Italy pageant. She's 5’9 and a size 14. IRL this is hardly plus size but Torrente was one of the few "plus sized" women to compete in the pageant.
Let’s be real, Torrente is straight up beautiful. She clearly deserved to place in Miss Italy.
However, there are ALWAYS ~haterz~. Croatian model, Nina Moric, 40 (best known for appearing in the Ricky Martin music video “Living La Vida Loca”) decided she needed to comment on Torrente's success in an Instagram rant.
Translated via The Daily Mail, Moric said things like, “You have created organizations to defend people with too much flesh”, “You have arrived to the point where we chose a Miss Italy who is too fat – and all in the name of sensitivity and acceptance of others.” And lastly, “Why don’t you start one for people who have ugly feet too?”
And unfortunately after seeing these comments, trolls decided to join in, disparaging Torrente online.
Luckily, according to The Daily Mail, contest organizer Patrizia Mirgliani soon stepped in with a statement condemning the bullying. “Stop the stereotypes. What we want is more female models who are closer to real people.’”
Torrente has refused to comment on the controversy, only saying that, “Despite being a runner-up I feel like a winner.”