Gin and Tonic spread is a real product for real people

If you're wanting to spice up your morning toast, look no further...
Some genius has invented a spreadable version of everyone's favourite cocktail - gin and tonic marmalade.
That's right.
Made by the Proper Marmalade Company in the UK, the marmalade is made out of sugar, lemon, gin, quinine extract (found in tonic water), and citric acid.
But while gin is one of the main ingredients, all of the alcohol is cooked off during the creation process, so the "heavenly ginjection" won't get you drunk ... even if you eat the whole jar.
According to the companies website, the boozy preserve is one seriously versatile gourmet ingredient – you can spread it, drink it, bake with it, or gobble it straight out of the jar.
The possibilities are endless with this gourmet spread in your life!
This booze-infused spread is available to purchase for $29.95 via New Zealand online retailer
We'll cheers to that!