Guy Live Blogs His Wife's Actions (Using a PI) After He Discovers She Is Cheating On Him

Publish Date
Tuesday, 20 January 2015, 5:00PM
Photo: iStock

Photo: iStock

Reddit user MyLifeSuxNow discovered his wife was cheating on him and took to Reddit for advice. 

He then began to live blog as he took to a PI to find out what was going on. INSANE.

Here's his post: 

My wife (Jenny) and I have been married for 8 years. We met when we were 22 and we had both just graduated from university. It’s been great so far, we haven’t had a huge argument where we’ve had to separate for a period of time or anything like that. Also, we have given each other our passwords to our phones and personal emails.

Well, Jenny was sleeping this morning and my brother shot her a text. My brother’s wife (Carly) and Jenny are planning on going out of town for a get-away while my brother, I, and some friends are going to watch football on Sunday and hang out during the weekend. He was asking Jenny to text Carly on his phone because Carly dropped her phone in the toilet. My brother and Carly were basically sharing phones for the time being till she gets a new phone.

I decided to open up the phone and reply something stupid and funny in order to embarrass Jenny. So I opened up the iMessage app and went to read their previous conversation to see what was happening, so I could tell a relevant joke. 2nd to the top of the list of conversations was a chat with a guy/girl named Zack. I didn’t know who Zack was, but the most recent thing he sent her was “<3 gn”. I was curious, so I put off replying to my brother and opened up Jenny and Zack’s chat.

To my horror, there was sexually explicit talk of what he wanted to do to Jenny when she “crawled up next to his sack.” What a filthy beast. I scroll up, and there are multiple nudes from both of them waiting for me to discover. Most of them are dated sometime between 1-4am (usually I’m sleeping then, smart.) so I knew she was obviously trying to hide it from me.
I realized my wife is cheating on me. I took a moment to realize that this was the end of our marriage. All of our happy times, our foreign trips, and our romantic nights must have meant nothing to her. I put the phone down and went to the bathroom to freshen up while Jenny was still sleeping.

I carry on with my day, make breakfast and wake her up. While she was sleeping, her phone went off 7 times (yes, I counted) and they were good morning texts from Zack and a confirmation to see if she was still visiting him this weekend.

She went to the bathroom and I heard her phone vibrate loudly since it was placed on the bathroom countertop. I heard the sounds of typing, and the send button. This happened 3 times while she was in there. As she was coming out, I quickly went downstairs to pretend like I was doing nothing out of the ordinary. We eat, she goes to take a shower and I try to open up her phone.

Jenny changed her phone password. I must have been acting a little weird/distant, or she thought it was time to secure her phone since we’ve been so comfortable around each other for the past few years. I tried to open up her Facebook and email, but the passwords to those were changed as well.
Jenny has gone out with some “friends” tonight. She thinks she lost her phone. Nope, I stole it before she left so I could try and break into it. I went through a massive hassle to unlock her phone but I finally did it. She’s cheating on me. They talk about sex positions they want to try, how far Zack can shove his cock down her throat, and one short conversation about meeting up this weekend. My bitch sister in law Carly must be in on this.
I’ve erased all trace of me breaking into her phone. I don’t know what to do now. Jenny is cheating on me but we’ve had no major problems in the time we’ve been together. We still have sex 4-5 times a week and I make her cum a couple times during each session; we still go out on dates and cuddle sometimes when we’re home. I don’t get it. She’s on birth control since I told her we should wait a little bit before we have kids thank god. We’re both fit and still attractive I guess so it isn’t about looks. I have a bigger penis than the other guy if that’s what she desires. I don’t mean to compare it’s just primal instinct fighting over a mate.

Should I tell her I know? Should we split and file divorce right away? Should I tell my brother Carly is in on this? Get revenge? I’ve got a prenup in place with a cheating clause since I make much much more than her (212k-30k) thankfully so I won’t be getting shafted. I’m thinking on finding out more about the situation (tail gating when she travels?) and then coming to a conclusion, since Carly might not even know about this. I’m not even sure if they’re actually leaving town or she just wants to spend time with him. Sorry if I’m rambling and I don’t make much sense, I’m just really pissed. Goddammit I loved her :/

I have screenshotted the texts and emailed them to myself. I feel like someone has shot me in the stomach :(

EDIT: By popular request I will post an update with the bigger changes and results of the PI investigation on r/relationships. Sometime after the weekend (Late Sunday or Monday/Tuesday). I will link it in an edit here so save the post or check my profile on Monday and Tuesday.

EDIT 2: Thank you all so much for the supportive comments, it means a lot to me. It's a struggle keeping a straight face around her, but I'm fighting through it for this last week.

(5:15pm) 1/16/2015: Private Investigator hired to tail her Saturday, Sunday and Monday
(6:00pm) 1/16/2015: It took a while, but passwords to everything changed, backed up personal info, created throwaway email to send proof to.
(6:47pm) 1/16/2015: She's home, It really sucks speaking to her normally, but I'm dealing with it. No sex. Also, I've found 3 excellent divorce lawyers for myself. Luckily I make much more than her so I can afford an excellent lawyer while she can only afford a mediocre one at best.
(8:13pm) 1/16/2015: Hired a divorce lawyer (pricey) but he's known to do excellent work. I'm in good hands. It's tempting to have sex, my soon to be ex-wife is trying extra hard to seduce me tonight for some reason. She's either super horny or is trying to get me to have sex with her as a form of infidelity forgiveness.
(8:54pm) 1/16/2015: Goddammit she's on her phone texting again in the bathroom. I can hear the send button being pressed over and over. It's probably nudes and sexy talk. Jeesus this hurts.
(9:55pm) 1/16/2015: She went to bed, I'm sitting here watching TV on my laptop. She's trying to initiate sex, I of course have to decline. I went to have sex with her but I'll control myself. Despite what she did being unforgivable, she's still beautiful on the outside.
(10:17pm) 1/16/2015: Heading to bed, I'll update some more tomorrow after getting up. I cannot stress how thankful I am for all this positive support. It means a lot to me. But, no matter what, it'll take many months or even a year or two to get over this shitty situation. I hate to say it but she's pretty on the outside. She's just fucked up on the inside.
(11:04pm) 1/16/2015: I got caught up watching TV. Now I'm actually going to bed. Goodnight!
(9:14am) 1/17/2015: I woke up a little late today if I wanted to break into her phone since it'd take a while, so I won't do it today. She's still asleep. The PI will be following her vehicle starting at 10am today. Jenny and Carly are heading on their "weekend trip" today at 12pm. She'll have some breakfast, Carly will swing by here, and they'll take Jenny's car and head off. The PI will be tailing them all day, I'm excited to see what he finds. He offered to take me around with him, but I politely declined. I've got some shit to do today anyways. Really a great start to the day, 10 hours of sleep, I don't get that often! Thanks for the gold, but this is a throwaway account haha.
(9:55am) 1/17/2015: As I go through the replies, a few people have told me why I included the sexual details, as if I'm bragging. I included them because that is one of the most common reasons people cheat. They aren't getting satisfied, partner is too small, different sex drive levels, etc. Hint Hint: /r/deadbedrooms
(10:08am) 1/17/2015: PI is posted down the street waiting for her vehicle to pull out with Carly. She woke up about 10 minutes ago and I'm about to cook her breakfast. Carly is showing up a little earlier today at around 10:30am so I'm cooking her breakfast too. Can't believe I'm wasting my shit on these people but you do what you gotta do to keep everything under wraps. I have another meeting with the divorce lawyer today at 1pm.
(10:29am) 1/17/2015: People calling this fake, divorce attorneys are open on Friday evenings, you can find one through online databases. Also, PIs have flexible hours just because of the type of work they do so I hired one quickly since it was urgent. If you still think it's fake, fuck off, I don't need your shit when I'm going through this tough time.
(10:40am) 1/17/2015: Carly has arrived. They're both eating breakfast while I'm watching TV and on my computer. Once they pull out, the PI will begin tailgating.
(11:50am) 1/17/2015: They left a bit later than they should have (11am). They got caught up chit chatting and occasionally talking to me. Private Investigator is tailing them now. He's got a camera that zooms in and takes high quality pics from ridiculously far away, an assortment of high quality dash cams, and handheld recorders.
(12:02pm) 1/17/2015: The PI will be sending me live updates and I can view one of his cameras on my computer, sort of like a live stream. I'll post a few details here but the main parts will be posted after the investigation in an update on r/relationships on Monday/Tuesday. I'll link the post here so you all can check it out when it's up.
(12:03pm) 1/17/2015: She is not heading to the place she told me she was going. Jenny is driving. This doesn't look good.
(12:14pm) 1/17/2015: Carly got dropped off at Starbucks. Jenny took the car and left the shopping center. Don't know where she's headed. PI is 10/10 with these updates and live cam.
(12:19pm) 1/17/2015: PI is tailing Jenny. She's making sporadic turns left and right ultimately leading to nowhere. She doesn't know he's following because he's very far away, I think she's playing it safe.
(12:24pm) 1/17/2015: Divorce attorney and I rescheduled for Monday morning at 7am. I'll hit the divorce attorney, then go to work.
(12:26pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny has circled back to the shopping center. She's parked an abnormal distance from the Starbucks and is texting someone. It's probably Carly since they're both on their phones. Carly is texting as seen through the Starbucks window, Jenny is texting in her car at the shopping center.
(12:30pm) 1/17/2015: A man walked into Starbucks and is sitting next to Carly. Jenny has parked closer to the Starbucks, seemingly waiting for Carly to come out. The man could either be:
A stranger trying to hit on Carly
A random person sitting next to her since the seats are close to full
Zack or her own affair partner.
(12:38pm) 1/17/2015: The man left the Starbucks and headed on his way. Carly and Jenny have regrouped in the car. They've been talking for the past few minutes, no movement. Carly seems to be on edge, she keeps looking out the window. They know something we don't. This is intense.
(12:48pm) 1/17/2015: Still in the car...
(12:56pm) 1/17/2015: Still in the car. The PI is hundreds of yards away zoomed in on his equipment. He is not even in the same shopping center as them. He has slightly tinted windows so it would be hard for them to see him.
(1:02pm) 1/17/2015: They've pulled out of the shopping center, PI is tailing. Don't know where they're headed.
(1:15pm) 1/17/2015: Still driving. There's a bit of traffic so they haven't gone too far.
(1:23pm) 1/17/2015: Carly has been dropped off at a hotel. The hotel is a decent one, not a rusty motel but not crazy Vegas quality either. It's the common ones you see around like Hiltion, Hampton Inn, etc. Jenny is in the parking lot.
(1:26pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny has left the car and followed Carly into the hotel. They're either:
Going for food or
Meeting up with their partners
(1:27pm) 1/17/2015: PI thinks judging by the way they're moving, they won't be in there for long. This hotel has an iHop, Subway, Pizza Hut and a few other restaurants. They're most likely in for food.
(1:30pm) 1/17/2015: The PI is heading into the hotel to see what's up. I have to take a #2, so sorry, I'll update when I get back (10-15 mins).
(1:49pm) 1/17/2015: Sorry, I'm back! I'm analyzing updates I got and the past 15 minutes of footage I missed. Composing the update now.
(2:00pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny and Carly were eating at a restaurant in the hotel. They're chatting, acting normally like nothing is up. The PI is sitting very far away and out of sight. They don't know he's tailing as they aren't acting nervous at all. A man walked by their table, said a few things and walked away. He was probably a service worker, as he had a tucked in shirt and all that jazz. Judging by the PI's footage, they're almost done with their food and cleaning up. I suspect they'll be heading out to the car. Jenny is constantly checking the clock in the hotel lobby. Her phone appears to be dead, or she doesn't want to use it to check time.
They decide to take the rest of their food "to-go" and pack up their items. They exit the hotel, the PI follows at a distance. They break into an all out sprint for the car, I don't know why. Carly is questioning Jenny as to why they're running towards the car. They hop in, and they're talking again. They both seem relaxed, no tension. We don't know why Jenny started sprinting towards the car.
(2:08pm) 1/17/2015: They've hit the road. PI is once again tailing their car. They're heading towards residential area, not many businesses or large buildings.
(2:12pm) 1/17/2015: Holy shit these U-turns. It's like they're trying to shake someone off their tail. They're on their way back to the hotel it seems. There is no way in hell they know about the PI, he's extremely far away. This isn't like the movies where the PI is a few cars down, the PI is at least a hundred feet away. Puzzling.
(2:15pm) 1/17/2015: Carly got dropped off at the hotel. Jenny has driven away and is now en route to the resedential area again. Carly was seen waving at Jenny as she drove away. Carly had a hotel key card as she entered the lobby, so she probably has a place to stay. Jenny handed Carly the hotel key card as Carly left the car. They must've already had a room key or got one before the PI could tail them in since he had to wait a small period of time to not look suspicious.
(2:22pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny met up at the front of a flathouse in a residential area and kissed a guy before she entered. It's Zack. Cheating confirmed. Carly seems to be clueless about the situation. PI snapped a shot of it, this is about enough evidence. PI might call it off for the day now.
(2:24pm) 1/17/2015: They're definitely unaware of the Reddit post. Jenny was careless as she entered the house, didn't try to hurry or anything. What a joke. I don't know why I had my hopes up that nothing was going on. I'm sad now.
(2:27pm) 1/17/2015: I'm really sorry for the abrupt update above. She dropped Carly off at the hotel, rushed back to the residential area and entered the house she showed Carly and kissed Zack. She didn't try to cover her tracks, no zig zags, nothing. I expected a build up of some sorts, not a quick confirmation like this...
(2:31pm) 1/17/2015: FUCK. Carly texted my brother about Jenny. So my brother knows, Carly knows, I know. They didn't know I knew, so my brother just told me (text). I need them both to shut up about this and I need to act surprised when one of them call me. In the last 15 minutes everything has come crashing through the roof.

IF JENNY FINDS OUT I KNOW, THIS IS WHOLE EVIDENCE COLLECTING THING IS RUINED. I need a way to tell them to shut up without giving away what I'm doing. Advice guys pls I'm counting on you all.

Ok, to sum it up:
Carly thought they were going on a girls weekend. I don't know what was going on in the Starbucks, maybe Carly wanted a drink or something. I don't know who talked to Carly. They made some weird turns most likely out of suspicion I was following. They grabbed a bite at the hotel. Jenny sprinted to the car because she was excited or they were messing around. Jenny showed Carly where she'd be for safety in case Jenny never replied again, then she dropped of Carly at the hotel room they're sharing. Jenny then went back to the flat and met up with Zack. They are inside. PI doesn't know what to do next. Stakeout, or go to the hotel, or call it off for the day. This is what I think happened.

The case is ruined if Jenny finds out because I'll ruin my oppurtunity to get even more evidence. I'll be stuck with the video of her entering and the quick entering kiss. I want more. I have this PI guy scheduled till Monday, might as well use it up.

(2:41) 1/17/2015: My head is spinning. This is too much information for 30 minutes. I can't deal.

Carly texted my brother Jenny is cheating. My brother texted me. I cannot have them tell Jenny I know because it'll ruin my opportunity to collect even more evidence to truly cement my case. I'm not sure if a quick kiss and entering a house will suffice the infidelity clause. She might be able to play it off as a friendly greeting. The PI is scheduled till Monday, so I've got more time to collect evidence if my bro and Carly keep their mouths shut.

(2:54) 1/17/2015: Welp, I'm gonna eat lunch. I'll be reading replies while I eat but I won't be typing. The PI is staking out Jenny and Zack's place. There will still be juicy updates if they leave the house I'm thinking so stay tuned I guess. I'm at a loss for words. The pleasure of our love lasted a few years, the pain that came of this will last a lifetime. I'll post some more updates in 10-15 mins.
(3:10pm) 1/17/2015: Ok, I cooled off while eating lunch, I'm not as hyped up as I was before. The PI has texted me that there is movement in the house. He's just sitting there staking out. Carly is not to be trusted, she doesn't need to know about the evidence. I told my brother to please not talk about the issue and tell Carly not to speak about it as I want time to think about my options. I feel much better now. I still don't know why they went to Starbucks or the guy who the guys it that talked to Carly at Starbucks. It definitely isn't Zack.
(3:14pm) 1/17/2015: I can't speak to the lawyer about how much proof I need because he closed up at 2pm. We have an appointment Monday at 7am. Also, Zack and Jenny are on the front porch, seemingly getting ready to leave the house.
(3:18pm) 1/17/2015: My doorbell was rung, it was someone asking if I was ready to upgrade my cable service. This probably isn't related to anything going on, I'm not gonna get too paranoid. It happens fairly often around here, door-to-door advertising.
Guys calm down about the cable guy. He had a nametag, official car with a big ladder and everything.
(3:27pm) 1/17/2015: Zack and Jenny are relaxing on the front porch, just talking and holding hands. My PI is super far away, they can't see him but he can see them.
(3:38pm) 1/17/2015: Zack and Jenny left Zack's house. PI is tailing them. sigh More suspense for us.
(3:42pm) 1/17/2015: Zack and Jenny are heading towards the Starbucks shopping center. Don't know why, I'm guessing they already ate.
(3:48pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny and Zack are sitting in the car parked in the shopping center. Just like Carly and Jenny were doing earlier, they're just talking.
(3:51pm) 1/17/2015: Remember the guy that met up with Carly in Starbucks? He just got into the car that Zack and Jenny are in. They're all sitting together discussing something. Things are heating up again. I'll post proof later on I'm trying to follow the situation now. It's escalating quickly just like earlier.
(3:55pm) 1/17/2015: They've pulled out of the shopping center, PI is tailing.
(4:04pm) 1/17/2015: They have arrived at the hotel. Zack, Jenny, and stranger are heading into the hotel, Carly is inside the hotel somewhere. The stranger is probably the person Carly is having an affair with i'm guessing. If the stranger was a hitman, I'd think he'd be a bit taller or muscular. He looks like an average guy, although he's fairly short. Not sure how the PI can go about following without looking suspicious.
(4:11pm) 1/17/2015: My PI followed them into the lobby, Jenny picked up a room key and all 3 of them headed for the elevator. We're essentially blind right now, we don't know what's going on in the hotel room(s). PI want's to know if he should stakeout the hotel or if we should call it a day? It seems like they'll spend the rest of the day in the hotel and they'll also sleep together there.
I think Carly was trying to portray Jenny as the only person who was cheating, that's why she texted my bro right away. I think now if Jenny rats out Carly, Carly will deny it and say Jenny is just saying that because she was caught cheating. Once again, my head is spinning.
(4:16pm) 1/17/2015: Okay, so essentially all four of them are inside the hotel doing something, most likely having sex. The thought of my wife having sex with another man makes me want to puke, but I'm coping. There is no way for my PI to get upstairs in the hotel or to find out what's going on in there. He'll stake out the hotel for a few more hours before heading home.
(4:28pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny just texted me that Carly is cheating.................. I actually don't know where to go from here.
(4:41pm) 1/17/2015: Still not sure what I should reply to Jenny. What should I say? My life is being destroyed here :/
I can't stress how thankful I am for all 1000+ of you people giving me helpful advice. Thank you for all the touching PMs. Even the people who are calling this fake and bs, thanks for being here. It means a lot to me during this rough time. Reddit is great. I'll continue to update when I get more info.
(4:48pm) 1/17/2015: I'm still thinking about what I should say to her, although all most likely ignore it. I don't want to say something I'll regret and mess up this whole thing.
(5:00pm) 1/17/2015: Not much is going on now, they're still in the hotel. My PI is staking out for 1 more hour till he has to go. The updates will get slower and they might pick up in the evening if Jenny comes home or if I get more texts. They're supposed to be spending the night there but who knows. The update post I post on Monday/Tuesday will have all of the "juicy" details, so check my profile then to see how it all goes down. Once again, I'll link it here on this post. Thanks for the help today guys, it means a lot to me. Nothing is really going on now, updates will be going up at a slower rate, they might pick up tonight. Other than that, make sure you read Monday/Tuesday's post. It'll have everything that went down from Thurs-Mon.
(5:34pm) 1/17/2015: Thank you all for the wonderful PMs, they're great. PI #1 is leaving soon, PI #2 will be doing an evening stakeout until 11pm. R.I.P my inbox haha. They're still in the hotel btw, food is in there too so I'm guessing they'll be in there the rest of the day.
It seems like Jenny convinced Carly to go with her to Zack's house to show her the location just in case something happened to Jenny. Carly would be her guard so to speak. Then Jenny brought Zack and the other guy to the hotel and Carly got cold feet (didn't want to cheat on her husband) so Jenny is stabbing her in the back. I'm not sure, I'll find out what happened in the next few days. That's the only reason I can think of as to why they'd turn on each other.
(6:36pm) 1/17/2015: I'm posting screenshots of the texts for proof in a bit. PI #2 is on the scene and they haven't left the hotel. Things will surely get much more interesting tomorrow. A few things went down, those will be covered in my update post on Mon/Tues. It's pretty crazy. This sucks a lot. Again, thanks for the support!
(9:35pm) 1/17/2015: So I fell asleep, woke up to eat some dinner, and I'm on here again. This was a really boring day, other than the dreaded breakfast I had zero human to human contact (other than the cable guy for a second). I'm fast forwarding through the stakeout footage now and going through the few updates I received. The proof is coming, calm down with that. I'd rather be paying attention to this situation unfolding than worrying about a few people not believing me. When I do post proof (tomorrow morning or tonight) it will be heavily blurred out so nobody will recognize me.

It's just starting to hit me that my life is starting to fall apart around me. It's neat some of you are getting enjoyment out of this, but I'd do anything to go back in time and avoid this whole situation. Goes to show that money does not buy happiness, unless you have a partner and a family. I get some of you might be happy without a spouse and family, but I don't see how you could be. It's this alone feeling that hurts. My parents are dead, I only have one brother, and we both might get destroyed through this affair situation.
He's the last family member I have left and I hate to see us go through something like this together. I won't be the guy in his 50s alone at the bar with nobody to be with. I will move on from this and hopefully find a better partner. Idk, after I woke up it felt like someone had been sitting on my body for the past 3 hours. I hate to complain but this hurts like a bitch.

(9:42pm) 1/17/2015: I've got texts from Jenny and Carly. Jenny asked me "what are you doing" and "call me when you can". Carly said "I'm sorry about Jenny. I'm here if you want to talk about it." Fuck me for falling asleep like an idiot. I don't know what to reply, if anyone is on here this late and has some advice that'd be great.
(10:12pm) 1/17/2015: Jenny texted me again. She was getting spooked and I didn't want to handle her driving home, probably hammered, worried that I found out. I told her I was at the gym working out, met some friends there, and decided to hang out for a bit. I ended it with "what's up babe?". She hasn't replied yet. I've ignored Carly's text, I checked it in the notification bar so it doesn't have the "read" sign. Smart, eh?
There was no way I could continue to ignore Jenny, she started to text me repeatedly at 10 o'clock, probably worried. She would've done something drastic for sure. I would've liked to ignore her texts, but it wouldn't have turned out well. People do dumb things when they're panicked, sadly she isn't as level headed as I am.
(10:31pm) 1/17/2015: I called my brother and told him about what they texted me, parts of the investigation, etc. He will be here first thing tomorrow morning. I feel better now that he knows what's up and isn't in the dark. Jenny replied to me "Ok cool hun, I'm gonna go to bed, gn <3". I replied "Cool. I already miss you. Goodnight <3". This playing it cool stuff is tough.

I know it isn't uncommon for people's parents to be dead by the time you're 30, but I just wish my mom was here to comfort me. She was the best at that. If your parents are still alive and you're on good terms with them, don't treat them like shit, and definitely don't take them for granted. They won't be there forever. I didn't treat my mom poorly, I just wish she were here with me. Trying to hold back my tears as I reread everything I'm typing. Again, thank you all for the amazing PMs, I'm replying to as many as I can.
Everyone concerned about my safety (if she comes home with Carly, etc.), the PI will notify me if they leave the hotel. They probably won't as they are all most likely hammered, and Jenny told me goodnight.

(10:44pm) 1/17/2015: I'm getting offline at 11ish. Nothing new will unfold for the night for sure, the PI has decided to stake out until some time during the middle of the night (3-5 am). I'm trying to reply to as many comments as I can. Thank you all for the support!
(11:02pm) 1/17/2015: Just in case something goes down, I've armed all the alarms in the house. If any door or window opens/breaks, I will be alerted with a loud beeping alert. I have a go bag next to me if I need to bail quickly. I've got a pistol in the nightstand. Again, thank you all for the support, this is a ridiculous amount of people here supporting me, and I love it. It's helping me cope. The updates will continue tomorrow, PI #1 will take over again at 8am, I'll be up by around 9-10am, a little later if I can't fall asleep tonight. The pace should pick up once again tomorrow, and I'll also update you guys on the meeting with my brother in the morning.

Additionally, I won't be posting any proof, since anything I post will be an obvious giveaway if they come across this post. I've changed many details so they won't be able to connect the dots just through the posts, the proof will give it away, so I'm sorry if you don't believe me but I'm not posting any pictures. I'll reply to some posts through my phone as I lay in my bed. I love you all, goodnight.

This post won't be on the front page tomorrow, I also highly doubt it will be stickied. Boomark or save if you need to. Finally, goodnight!

(9:35am) 1/18/2015: Just woke up a while ago. Slept a bit longer than I expected. Freshened up quickly, etc. You know, I half expected this to all be a bad dream and Jenny to be sleeping right next to me when I woke up. Sadly, that isn't the case. This is the worst I've felt since my parent's and sister's deaths. My brother is coming over very soon, he texted me "morning dude, what time should I come over", I said half an hour.
PI updated me at 4:21am telling me that Jenny and Carly arrived at ground floor were sitting in the hotel lobby talking to each other. They were not up in their rooms. Carly was holding her head as if she was hung over. They returned back up to their room(s) at 4:56am. I still need to fast forward through the night footage. Now, I have to go make breakfast for me and my brother, I'll be back. Hope you all are doing well today!
(9:44am) 1/18/2015: Ok, some people are calling me fake for a few reasons. The reason I'm calling Zack's house a flathouse is because it is flat, one story.. I didn't move from the UK as a kid or anything. Flat = 1 story house. I don't know what kind of person some of you are picturing me as, but I'm not Zac Efron blowing millions everyday. If you saw me, you wouldn't know how much I make, since I don't spend much on unnecessary things like fancy clothes, $10000 watch, etc. Thank you all for the kind PMs, I'm trying to reply to as many as I can, but I'll be fairly busy in about 15 minutes.
(9:55am) 1/18/2015: My brother should be here in a few minutes, he's picking up breakfast for us. I'll post an update after we talk. it'll take a while. Hopefully later I get more info or a sighting of Jenny and Co. This will be one of the worst conversations I have in my life, and it's risky. If my brother freaks out, this whole situation could get fucked up, but if he's calm, even better. He'll be an ally.

Oh yeah, Jenny is due to come home sometime this afternoon/evening. Mixed feelings about it, still going over what I'm gonna tell her. Be back in a bit.

Also, don't hesitate to send me a PM or comment because you're afraid it'll get buried. I read everything in my inbox. I'm still reading and will probably continue to go through my inbox after the meeting. Nervous about this meeting, should suck.

(11:11) 1/18/2015: Welp, I've learned my brother is not very good in a crisis. When he arrived, we ate and I told him about the whole cheating situation and how I have video. I showed him a screenshot of Jenny kissing Zack and Carly talking to the stranger at Starbucks. I showed him them hung over at the hotel, the texts, etc. He started to freak out. I was afraid he was gonna burn my house down. It took me a good 10 minutes to get him under control. But, he was suprisingly amazingly calm afterwards. It was like he had a short breakdown then went back to his normal state.

We talked over options and decided that we would each act like we didn't know about our spouses cheating, like we were clueless. So I'll act like my brother and Carly never said anything about Jenny, and my brother will act like I haven't told him about Carly. It may or may not work, but we're doing this to keep our spouses under control. The last thing we'd want is our spouses to come home and have a simultaneous freak out trying to damage-control. During the meeting, the PI texted me that they had gone down for food and all four of them were sitting at a table outside a restaurant. Jenny clearly had on male sunglasses, on of the guys brought it with them for their hangover and probably lent it to her. Either way, it was clear they were all in pain from their hangovers, except for the stranger. He seemed completely normal. They had their meal, and went back up to the hotel room.

I'm not sure why they didn't use room service, maybe it's because it's so expensive. My brother and I watched them eating at the hotel. He just stared in horror, I guess realizing that his marriage was over. He cried his eyes out afterwards, I felt so bad for him. I made sure I wouldn't cry, I would not let my emotions get the best of me and cloud my decision making. As of now, they are back up in their hotel rooms, I expect them to leave the hotel in an hour pr two, not much to do there all day other than hang out and.....have sex.

Jenny texted my brother "hey" last night at 1:19am, that's it. He didn't reply to her. Carly has not texted him yet. My brother is still here, calm and collected, watching TV as I use my computer. He doesn't know about this Reddit post, not sure if I should tell him about it.

Now, me and my brother are waiting for them to make some moves, hopefully leave the hotel and show public displays of affection to cement our divorce cases. We still aren't 100% sure Carly cheated at all, no picture or video proof other than her talking to a guy at Starbucks. Just a few more pictures and videos and we can stop this madness and get on with our divorce cases. He's finding a lawyer tomorrow and will meet with one sometime this week. The mood in this house is so sad, I don't like it one bit. Might have to take a walk or something.

(12:28pm) 1/18/2015: Sorry for not posting in an hour, but nothing has unfolded yet. My brother is still here, grieving, and I'm waiting for them to make some moves. They're up and alert by now, we'll see what happens.\
(12:37pm) 1/18/2015: They've left the hotel. Carly, Jenny, Stranger (let's call him X), and Zack are in Jenny's car. PI will tail as soon as the pull out.
(12:45pm) 1/18/2015: They're heading towards a residential area filled with apartments. This is not the area where Zack lives. PI is having a hard time tailing since the area has quick left and right turns and he needs to stay a safe distance without letting them out of sight.
(12:50) 1/18/2015: This area is very close to the original shopping center. X must have walked to the shopping center from his house. X has been dropped off at his apartment, he briskly walked into the lobby. They have pulled away and are going somewhere else.
(12:56pm) 1/18/2015: They're in Zack's neighborhood. In the car it's Jenny driving, Carly, and Zack. There were no public displays of affection between X and Carly, so my brother doesn't have picture or video proof.
(1:05pm) 1/18/2015: Just my lucky day. Zack was dropped off at his flathouse and Jenny got out of the car followed him up the driveway. In plain sight, they passionately made out/kissed for 10-15 seconds, like a farewell kiss. Jenny then went back to the car and is driving again. That's enough proof for my case.

I've got:
Sexually suggestive texts
Sexual texts
Video and picture proof of them kissing and hanging out together.
Feels good that I now have more than enough proof. I'm devastated about what I've discovered. Hats off to the PI. Now me and my bro are watching where Carly and Jenny are going. It's just them in the car now. My brothers case is still a mystery, what is Carly up to?

(1:15pm) 1/18/2015: They're heading back to the original shopping center.
(1:20pm) 1/18/2015: They parked normally, and both of them are inside the Starbucks standing in line to order something. They're talking to each other in line. They literally just ate two hours ago, don't know why they are stopped here.
(1:24) 1/18/2015: They're sitting at a table with coffee talking. Probably discussing what they're going to tell me and my brother :/
(1:30pm) 1/18/2015: They're still sipping coffee and talking. They may be here for a bit.
(1:40pm) 1/18/2015: They're still drinking and talking. Since in my situation it is clear my spouse is cheating, my brother is helping me set up a few surveillance cameras with audio recording in the house. Thank you all for this advice, it will cement my case in the possibility she tries to say I did something to her (hit her, etc.) that I didn't actually do. He seems to have cheered up a bit since we don't have proof that Carly cheated at all, I mean, maybe Jenny had a threesome and Carly was just a witness? I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's always a possibility. We'll just have to listen to what they tell us when they get home.

Speaking of when they return, what should I do? Play dumb? I don't know how to react, I want to come out to her that I know about all this after my divorce lawyer meeting tomorrow, by then I'll have all my ducks in a row. I hope she doesn't come home and confess to me tonight, I'd rather wait 'till after my divorce lawyer meeting.

(1:49pm) 1/18/2015: Jenny texted me saying "Hey babe, you wanna watch a movie tonight? Your pick. " I don't know if this is related to any of this or if it's just to throw me off. Dunno what I should say. Carly texted my brother saying "sorry for being MIA. I missed you ;)"
There are only three security cameras we're putting up, and they're going to be hidden well. She won't be able to see them.
(1:56pm) 1/18/2015 Holy crap guys this is a throwaway account but thank you for the gold, makes it easy to view all the comments. Karma doesn't matter to me since it's a throwaway to all the people saying I'm making this up. If Jenny confesses to me, I'll act surprised and I'll only tell her about all this after I speak to my divorce lawyer tomorrow and he tells me what I should do. Thank you all for the advice. Now it's a race to setup and hide the cameras. They are on their phones at the coffee shop still.
About the cameras, we've been talking about installing security cameras for a while anyways, for safety measures. That will count as consent.
(2:05PM) 1/18/2015: They're still at the Starbucks, PI tells me Carly is nervously looking around again as if she's restless. These aren't official security cameras, just a few makeshift recording devices. I'd have to call a company to set up official cameras in and around my house, or It would take a few days as a DIY project.
(2:22pm) 1/18/2015: They've left the coffee shop. Both of them are in the car talking. So Zack and X are at home now, it's just Jenny and Carly in their "girls night out". Bastards. 

(2:39pm) 1/18/2015: They're on their way to the hotel again. Don't know what they're up to now. Possibly retrieving their things before coming home.
(2:47pm) 1/18/2015: They've arrived at the hotel. Instead of normally walking in, they clearly were in a hurry and lightly jogged/speed walked inside. Either they just wanted to walk faster, or they know somethings up. Jenny is talking on her cell phone standing outside the door of the hotel and Carly is waiting for her inside the lobby. Jenny isn't calling me or my brother, so I don't know who she's talking to.
(2:52pm) 1/18/2015: Jenny is still talking on the phone, Carly has joined her outside and they are taking turns talking. My brother is racing to get a couple cameras set up. This will be close.
(2:54pm) 1/18/2015: Friends called and asked if I'm still gonna join them to watch Football in a few hours, not sure if I should decline or continue. I'll think it over.
(3:00PM) 1/18/2015: They got their bags and it looks like they checked out of the hotel. They're in the car now getting ready to pull out. PI is getting ready to tail them if they drive off. To everyone asking how Carly texts, she has a replacement phone (Warranty).
(3:02pm) 1/18/2015: Bank came through and as requested yesterday afternoon, joint bank account is frozen. I will be notified about any withdraws from my personal account (in case info was stolen) for the next 2 weeks.
(3:07pm) 1/18/2015: I guess they love talking in coffee shops and in cars, because they're still in the car talking. I don't know who they were speaking to on the phone. I have the Seahawks-Packers game on TV to my left with brother watching, surveillance up on my right computer monitor and this post up on my left monitor, and checking phone for written updates from PI. This is getting hectic.
(3:15pm) 1/18/2015: They've pulled out of the hotel, isn't clear where they're going, PI is tailing. Brother is trying to hide the recorders.
(3:20pm) 1/18/2015: We only have two recorders in the house, we'll need to run out and get one or two more. If Jenny and Carly drive home, we won't have time. They are driving towards a familiar area, it includes a grocery store, a few buildings, and the gym I go to.
(3:23pm) 1/18/2015: It's too risky to go out for more recorders, looks like we'll just stay with the two that we have. They're getting closer to the gym/grocery store area.
(5:44pm) 1/18/2015: Shit is going down. I can't type for more than a minute right now. Nobody has gotten hurt or anything, just a lot of shit. I'll update when I get the chance, maybe at my buddy's place. I'm probably getting out of here to watch the game. This isn't a pleasant place to be :( I'm trying to get through this. Tears were shed, anger, grief, yelling, my goodness. Nothing physical at all.
(3:27pm) 1/18/2015: They've left the grocery/gym area, they could be heading home. They're 20 minutes away, just in case they come here, what should we say?
(3:32pm) 1/18/2015: They're on a route that leads here. I was prepared for this. I'm running programs that are wiping history and data off my phone and computer. This will take a few minutes. My brother and I are just acting like nothing is up and we're watching the game before going to hang with some friends in a few hours.
(3:39pm) 1/18/2015: They're definitely on their way here. Recorders are hidden, devices are being wiped, stories are being prepared. This is gonna be a shitty next few hours for me, but you guys will probably enjoy the update after we talk.
God I hope this goes smoothly.
(3:46pm) 1/18/2015: They're pulling up to the house, they're almost on the street. ~2 minutes away. Any replies to comments will be made through my phone, can't update posts through mobile. I'll update you guys after everything goes down, it'll be a while. Bracing myself.
Damnnit they were supposed to come home at night when I was gone. They're here. brb.
(5:49) 1/18/2015: Shit is going down. Nothing physical though. I can't type for more than a minute or two, but it isn't great. Yelling, anger, sadness, crying, a ton of crying, pleading, explaining, contradicting. This isn't a great place to be right now. I'll update when I'm at my buddy's house, it'll be a while. Sorry I couldn't update sooner. Nobody is hurt at all. You guys are having a great time reading I bet, this is the worst time of my life :(
(5:51) 1/18/2015: Jenny is using the bathroom. I'll quickly say the next update that I post at my friends house will be lengthy. And not very good. It went more or less as I expected. The lies I've been told in the past 2 hours, the lies.

I have to get out of here, it isn't pleasant.

A huge part of my life is falling apart around me. I'll find a way to cope, I'm not a bitch, I can get through this. So can my brother. I'll update as soon as I can.

Alright, so Jenny and Carly got back from the hotel. I had my devices cleared, and everything looked normal. My brother and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. Jenny opened the front door, and Jenny and Carly walked in. It started with normal "hey huns" and "I missed yous". They took off their shoes near the door, and Carly went over to sit next to her husband. Jenny just walked up to me and hugged me for a good minute or two. I won't lie, it felt good forgetting about everything and just wrapping each other in our arms. She didn't smell different, so it was easy to forget about the whole affair situation.

She pulled out of the hug, and kissed me like she did Zack for a few seconds. I pulled away and said "what's up?" She looked away, I could tell she was beginning to cry, and started sobbing. She got all teary eyed, I almost felt bad for her, and she said "I'm so sorry honey". I played dumb and said "what happened?"

She asked me "Carly didn't tell you?". I said "no". She told me that she had to makeout with some guy (Zack) and that if she didn't he would let out a dirty secret of hers. I asked her what was the secret and she wouldn't tell me. I told her "is that all you did? A few kisses isn't that bad if he was blackmailing you. It's ok."

I asked her "what about the weekend get away?" You didn't go on a trip or anything?" She said no, she had only gone to a hotel where the guy wanted to meet up for some kisses.

Carly clearly looked uncomfortable during this, she kept looking over at us, as if she wanted to say something. I turned to look at Carly, and this is when the truth started to come out. I already knew Jenny had sex, I was playing dumb. Jenny said "we did a few other things but that's all." I asked her to tell me what she did. Jenny said she played with Zack's penis, and touched it a little.

Give me a break. I got more aggressive and frustrated with her lying and asked her "are you sure that's all you did?" Jenny then told me she had to have sex with him just to please him. I grew tired of her giving me tiny bits of the information, so I asked Carly what happened.

Carly told me that Jenny told her they were going to a lodge in the mountains for a weekend. Jenny told Carly that I didn't want to miss the football games, so I was gonna stay home and it was gonna be a fun weekend for them to bond. This is believable, they are best friends. Jenny then took them to Zack's house and she forced Carly to keep her mouth shut or she would tell my brother that Carly was cheating. She showed Carly where she would be in case something happened to her, and dropped Carly back off at the hotel. Carly said Jenny went back to Zack's place for a while, they did something, and came back later with a guy she didn't know. Jenny then had some more sex with Zack while Carly just spoke to the new guy that Jenny brought over. They had a few drinks and went to bed. They dropped them off at their houses, and now they came back home.
False. Bs. Carly lied, she never mentioned meeting X at Starbucks, or the Coffee shop trips at all. My brother was growing more and more frustrated with the lying, so was I. I told Jenny and Carly to come with me. I sat them down at the dining room table and asked them to give me the whole truth, as their stories didn't add up.

That's when Jenny started bombarding me with "why don't you trust me?" and "we're married, we're supposed to trust each other through thick and thin". Wrong verse. Carly started to give dirty looks, and she repeatedly rolled her eyes. It's was like I was speaking to toddlers. Jenny was furious, she walked into the kitchen, got a bottle of water and slammed the refrigerator door. My brother heard this, he came over and sat down with us.

The four of us were sitting at a table. My brother and I knew most of the truth, Jenny and Carly knew the whole truth. We had to get it from them.
Jenny started sobbing hysterically. Carly followed. They both cried for 10 minutes maybe, without talking. Jenny came over and hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder. I was gonna miss holding her for sure, she still felt like the same non-cheating person I knew before.

Jenny sat back down and told me the whole truth. Jenny and Carly had made up the whole trip. They wanted to have sex with other people for once. She hooking up. They went over to the Starbucks so Carly could meet the guy she had been seeing for a while prior. Jenny grew paranoid that she was being followed by me and started driving around in circles. She then went back to the shopping center to pick up Carly. X had something to take care of and said he would meet Carly later at the hotel. X is a friend of Carly's and Jenny's. Carly and Jenny then drove to the hotel they were staying at to eat some food.

Later, they went back to the car so they could drive over to Zack's flathouse. Jenny ran over to the car because again, she was paranoid I was following her. They drove over to Zack's house after many turns because she as paranoid I was following her. Jenny showed Carly where she would be if anything happened. Jenny then drove Carly back to the hotel. Carly waited up there for Jenny, Zack, and X to come over. Jenny went back over to Zack's house and they made out in there. They also had sex.

After a while, Jenny and Zack went to the shopping center to pick up X again. With X, they went back to the hotel where they were going to have sex. As I guessed, Carly got cold feet and didn't want to do it. Jenny and Zack however did have sex, multiple times. Carly ratted out Jenny right away so she wouldn't be involved with anything. They all had a bunch of drinks and got drunk. After Jenny and Zack had sex once more, they went to bed. Carly and X hung out all night, nothing romantic except for hand holding.

They woke up, ate food, dropped everyone off at their houses (kissed Zack), and drove to the Coffee shop. There they talked extensively about what the would tell us to cover up what happened. They got too confused and just decided to wing it. They went back to the hotel, got their things, and checked out. They left out the part about driving to the gym/grocery area, and said they just drove home. Instead of lying, they broke down and couldn't do it so now they're admitting what they did. They also didn't say anything about the person they talked to on the phone outside the hotel.

So, from what they told me, Jenny had sex, Carly did not but was going to. I don't know what to believe. Jenny again, hugged me and sobbed into my chest, ruining my shirt. Carly cried, but didn't approach her husband.
My brother had a look of relief on his face, but also slight anger. He scolded them about lying for maybe 15 minutes, then again about how badly they had hurt us, and they cried more. I was furious. I thought what we had was great, she never once showed signs of wanting to hook up with other people. I asked her how long this had been going on and how they were meeting each other, but she didn't say anything. After a few more minutes of crying, she said a few weeks, that was the first time they had sex. I was devastated, but I understood that this is what she wanted. Sure, she played with my feelings, but she's not a person fond of commitment at heart. She wants to sleep around, and that's fine with me.

That's just not happening when we're together, so I'm continuing with the divorce process. Fuck her. My brother and Carly talked in our bedroom. There was tons of yelling and crying on both parts, and they came out after 20 minutes. They looked like they had made up, and they went home. I was upset, Jenny kept telling me we could work through this, she didn't want to lose me, and that it would never happen again. I just left the table and went back to watching TV. She started yelling at me about how I was betraying her and that we are life partners and we can't divorce. She came over and tried to sit on top of me in a cute way, but I rejected. She got all pouty like she normally does when she's upset and went upstairs to use the restroom. Holy mood swings.

That's when I wrote that quick update. I told Jenny that we'd talk about it later tonight, and that I was still on with my friends to watch the football game. She pleaded to me one last time, but I wasn't budging. She said she had a date planned for us and I'd have a sexy surprise waiting for me for when I got back. She winked at me and said sorry, I walked out the door. I didn't say anything about the investigation I have going on.
Here I am, at my friend's house. They're clearly enjoying the game, I'm writing a depressing and devastating story on Reddit. Still on with the lawyer tomorrow morning.

Thank you all for the support these past few days, it has meant a lot to me. I'll post an update on what happens with the divorce lawyer, one about what happens when I get back home, and I might post a complete update post on everything on Monday/Tuesday @ r/relationships.

I'll retrieve call and text logs to find out who she was calling when they were outside the hotel.

Either way, my head is spinning and I don't know what to think about all this. There are so many questions that need answering. My brother is supposedly fine now, I'm still devastated. The next few months will be tough, but I think I can get through it. Jenny is at home alone now.

EDIT: Forgot to add Jenny has texted me 13 times to "come home" and "she misses me".

EDIT 2: I'm probably done updating for tonight, I'm not feeling up to it. I'll read and reply to some comments, but I can't get to all of them. Goodnight guys, thanks for the support

EDIT 3: (12:56pm) 1/19/2015 Hey. So my sexy surprise last night was pretty terrible. I walked into the house pretty pissed and Jenny had literally everything I like prepared for me. My favorite meal, the outfit of hers that I liked, etc. I didn't know what to do, this felt so many like some of our old nights together that we loved.

I didn't give in sexually, but I was pretty hungry. I sat down with her and we ate, pretty much in complete silence. She had the nerve to ask me "are you still upset with me?" I just looked at her, and she knew it. I finished eating and started heading upstairs. She chased after me, grabbed my hand, and once again, cried into me. Although this wasn't a whole bunch of tears like earlier, she was still sad.

You know, throughout all this, I still see flashes of the person I used to love so much. They way she walks, the mannerism when she brushes her hair back, etc. I realized, this is just her way of guilting me, I'm not gonna stay with someone who I can't trust, second guessing everything they tell me. I told her to "leave me alone, we'll talk some more tomorrow."

I go through my routine and go to bed, where she is waiting for me with one last attempt to have sex. I finally told her "this isn't happening, and you know it. You have Zack on speed dial, call him if you want a quick fuck." Out of rage, or maybe to prove that she doesn't love him anymore, she smashed her phone on the floor. She said "I told you I don't like him anymore! I want to be with *you** and only you!* Our bedroom floor is carpet, so her phone didn't break but the sim card and battery flew out which made it look bad (a.k.a cracked back). I told her to "pick up your fucking phone and stop bothering me, I'm trying to go to sleep. You should've thought about our relationship when you went around sleeping with other people".

More crying, and she fell asleep that way. I fell asleep afterwards, and we didn't have sex. I woke up this morning at 5am without waking her, hit the gym for an hour and went to the divorce lawyer. He has told me to not tell her anything about the PI investigation or anything else involving the divorce. He thinks it would be wise if I thought this over thoroughly, as after divorce it would be tough to go back. He told me to give him a call when I was ready to move forward. I received a copy of the prenuptial agreement, and we read it over. It's still valid (thank god). He didn't have much time to speak with me since he shouldn't have been in office for MLK but he has me and one other client early and he wanted to go back home.

I'm planning on calling him tomorrow morning to move forward with the process, there is no way at all I'm staying with Jenny. After the meeting, I texted my brother and asked him how things were going. He said "about back to normal." Well, good for him. It's weird, I'm happy for him, but I kinda wish I had a partner to go through this with me together. It's tough getting a divorce, but I'm not a bitch and I can get through this.

Jenny texted me this morning asking "where are you?" a few times. I didn't reply. I'm at home now, it's pretty awkward. She's trying to set up a movie date with us tonight, and I keep rejecting.

To clear up a few things: Some people are telling me I'm bragging on these posts. I never said I have a huge cock, never said I was insanely attractive, never said I'm filthy rich or have a great job. I don't consider myself above anyone at all. The only reason the sexual details were included is because it's a common reason to divorce. A lot of divorces are over sexual dissatisfaction.
And, thank you all for the support. There is no way I'll be able to read all these replies and PMs, but I'll try to reply to as many as I can. There will probably be a couple more updates here, and I'll post another update thread in a few months on how I'm doing and how the divorce went.

Here are the Reddit threads which he says he will continue to update: 1, 2, 3

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