Mum Shares Facebook Post About Her Kids That Has Some Calling Her the "Meanest Mum Ever"
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 26 April 2016, 11:08AM

Photo: iStock
When Jaime Primak Sullivan took her children out for ice cream, she didn't expect it to turn into such a viral moment. Â
She explains what happened in a Facebook post saying:Â
"So... I am the meanest mom ever... Like... Ever.
Took the kids to Dairy Queen after dinner. They ordered their dessert choices and we waited about 5 minutes for them to call out our number. The young lady (maybe 17) handed each child their ice cream. Not one looked her in the eye. Not one said thank you. Not to her, not to me... So I waited.
I counted to 10 in my head as they dug into their ice cream and the young lady just looked at me (probably because she thought I was hearing voices) and I watched as my children strolled out the door.
I followed them outside where I calmly collected their ice creams and my kids watched in horror as I deposited them into the nearby garbage can. All 3 launched into mass hysteria. I waited. Quiet. Calm. When they realized I had something to say, they quieted down.Â
I explained that one day, if they were lucky, they would work a job like that young lady. And I would hope that people would see them. Really see them. Look them in the eye and say thank you. We are too old at 8/7/5 to move through our days without exercising manners and honestly basic human decency.
So today, I am the meanest mom in the world."Â
Speaking to A Plus, Jaime Sullivan explained that she began to re-examine the way her behaviour affected others when she was in her twenties.Â
"I was a bully my whole life," she told A Plus. Slowly she began to realize that in order to make the world better, she would have to make herself better. "I got tired of saying society needs to change. I am society," she said, describing her personal shift in perspective that she hopes to instill in her children. "I'm not a 'selfie' person. It's not about self. It's about us."Â
"I don't want my kids to operate in a 'selfie' mentality," she said. "I want them to be inclusionists ... I want them to be the ones who say 'wanna play with me?' I want my children to want to include kids and look back and see their mother saying 'I'm proud of you.' "
In a follow-up video, Sullivan said, "I don't want my children to be the kids who look past people."Â