REVIEW: Liquid Death is now in NZ but is it as good as all the Influencers say?!

Publish Date
Thursday, 18 April 2024, 5:12PM

Liquid Death has finally landed in Aotearoa and they sent us some to try to see if it lived up to the hype...

Liquid Death’s VP of Creative Andy Pearson said the demand for the drink coming to NZ was out the gate, “We get messages every day asking when we'll be available in new markets. We're thrilled to now be live in New Zealand and murdering thirst down under." 

We were lucky enough to get sent a box of each flavour so we could get our influencer on.

Before we even 'Murdered our Thirst', most of the office thought they were about to hoon a 10am beer purely cause of the can alone. Clint from the drive show's first impression said it best, "it looks f**king cool". 

Liquid Death is certainly pushing the boundaries with their design and marketing strategy compared to its competitors such as Antipodes, Vista and La Croix.

"I feel like Kourtney Kardashian" was said a lotttt by the office girlies thanks to Travis Barker's wild collab with the brand featuring an enema kit 🫣

The health drink comes in four different flavours which are all now available in NZ - Mountain Water, Mountain Sparkling Water, Severed Lime Sparkling Water, and Mango Chainsaw Sparkling Water. 

When taking a sip, Anonymous said, "Drinking this makes me look tougher." (I bet you can tell why they wanted to remain anonymous 😬).

Megan from the social team frothed the size of the 500ml can saying she'd hit her daily water intake limit more regularly "because I'd want to finish the whole can". 

Enough about the look though... how does it taste?

People often say sparkling water tastes like static TV, and if that's the case then Liquid Death is definitely in HD. The sparkling sensation tastes freshly fizzed and ofc is best served chilled - cause anything room temperature is an obvi red flag.

Office chick Aaliyah had a lightbulb moment saying that Liquid Death would be her new go-to mixer for her next night out, "I'd mix tequila with the lime one and vodka with mango".

Liquid Death's team says, "We’re just a funny beverage company who hates corporate marketing as much as you do. Our evil mission is to make people laugh and get more of them to drink more healthy beverages more often, all while helping to kill plastic pollution".

The drink will set you back $6.00 while the two flavoured ones are $6.50. Which could seem steep for water but you're being healthy AND saving the environment at the same time!

Tap or sparkling? Bet you always say tap when asked at a restaurant, (dw me too *cries in poor*). But the best answer to this question from now on is "Liquid Death, please".

Laugh Out Louder, Play ZM

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