Study reveals most couples break up at this time of year!
- Publish Date
- Wednesday, 15 November 2017, 10:18AM

Photo: Getty Images
The upcoming festive season of Christmas and New Years should be a time of happiness and joy, but for many people, it’s a time of heartbreak.
According to a new study, the warmer weather and the anxiety that comes with introducing your new partner to your family are the reasoning behind relationships ending at this time of the year.
1600 users of the dating app RedHotPie participated in the survey which found that this time of the year is the season for breaking up.
"The combination of warmer temps, summer holidays and the thought of showing off a not-so-perfect partner to your 'fam' at Christmas means it's a perfect storm for breakups," says RedHotPie dating and relationship expert, Mark Rosenfeld.
The studies results displayed 71 percent of women and 56 percent of men would prefer breaking up with their partners if they’re “not that into them” than taking them home to meet their family over the holiday season.
"The warm weather means people are less interested in staying home and cuddling and more interested in putting themselves out there, showing off and getting the attention they desire," says Mr Rosenfeld, who offers dating advice on YouTube.
"Women and men felt exactly the same, with 78 percent stating the warmer weather does make them more social and sexually adventurous."
He says the breakup figures aren’t very surprising given the fact that 75 percent of men and 71 percent of the women surveyed said they’ve dated people in the past who they knew they could do better than.
Relationship expert Dr Nikki Goldstein says it’s less about Christmas plans and more about reflecting on the past year, considering what you want in the future.
"As we get towards the end of the year, we start reflecting on the year that's been," she says. "It feels chaotic, it feels crazy and people do start to reflect.
"So I actually think that would impact why people break up more now, because when you get to that early January/February part of the year, you're getting your life on track and you're feeling good about yourself, you don't want to be in a crappy relationship."
She also says the craziness of the silly season can also take its toll on relationships.
"It's a season for high stress because you are doing things like meeting people's partners, incorporating families, and presents, and expectations.
"If you are in a position where you've been dating someone and you're talking about Christmas and them coming to your place and so forth, you're also putting [the relationship] into the category of being a little bit more serious," Dr Goldstein says.
"So that's what could be nudging people to go, 'Hmm, I'm not sure I'm ready for that'.
For anyone who's thinking about ending a relationship with their partner, Dr Goldstein says you should ensure you’re doing it for the right reasons first.
"Breakups are not always a bad thing because you might be in a relationship that isn't healthy or isn't right for you," she says. "Take the time to work out: Are you freaking out unnecessarily, or are you rationally analysing life? Start to think about: do you see a future with this person? Is this the type of person you want to be with?"
It doesn’t mean you need to pull the plug on the relationship, just because this Christmas you’re not ready to meet their family or have them meet yours this Christmas.
"Maybe it's just that things are moving too fast, but you really like this person.
"I think it's a good time to reflect but you have to mindful of that panic freak-out because I think that's what so many of us do."
Mr Rosenfeld agrees that when it comes to relationships, it’s all about the recognising whether or not your partner is the right one for you.
"The reality is we all want connection, but if we choose someone we know is not right for us and are too afraid to have that tough conversation, this end-of-year period is when it comes back to bite us," he says.
"You can go one of two routes: break up and find Mr or Ms Right, or realise your relationship is worth saving and look at other avenues for extra-curricular validation," he says.