The Best Carb To Eat For Your Diet According to Science
- Publish Date
- Friday, 16 September 2016, 12:59PM

CARBS ARE THE ENEMY! - Says like everyone and everything in the world. - there's nothing actually wrong with them in moderation, but it is energy that gets stored into fat if we don't use them up so it's the nutrient we have to be careful of.
So which type of carb should we eat them if were not allowed to heaps of it?
Probably the one that'll help us feel full and satisfied the fastest, after all we're going for quality over quantity
Well, thanks to science we now know!
A study published in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition looked at whether a side of pasta or a side of potatoes was more filling for its participants.
The participants ate a standard breakfast and dinner for five days, and then had a carb-heavy lunch all of those days as well.
They were able to choose from “a side dish of either French fries, a baked potato, a mashed potato, potato wedges, or pasta” and then they were asked how full they were between lunch and dinner.

The study found that those who chose French fries felt fuller and more satiated with little desire to snack between lunch and dinner.
This confirms what we all know in life that the answer to everything is hot chips!