There is My Little Pony Porn Hidden in iOS 10
- Publish Date
- Friday, 16 September 2016, 7:22AM

Soooo not everyone is impressed with iOS 10 and this does not convince people to be fans.
If you default searched the GIF library for the word "butt", you find the below My Little Pony dong something questionable.
UMMM someone (Apple) didn't think their censorship techniques through all the way. If you're searching for "tits" or something, you would get nothing so Apple did do some censorship. "Butt" originally made it's way through the cracks (lol). And since Apple is probably pulling from GIF storehouses like Giphy, whatever those storehouses let through, Apple lets through.Â
And as fast as it happened, it has gone. Pony porn has been blocked.