Toddler Bites Venomous Snake to Death

Publish Date
Friday, 6 November 2015, 2:30PM
Picture: CEN

Picture: CEN

A 17-month-old boy bit and killed a venomous snake in Brazil.

The boy's mother Jaine Ferreira Figueira said she was terrified when Lorenzo ran into the house with blood around his mouth and a snake in his hands.

But it turns out that she had nothing to be worried about.

It turned out that a jaracara, a kind of poisonous pit viper, had approached Lorenzo in the garden and Lorenzo had bitten it to death, reports RT.

‘He bit the young jararaca close to its head, which immobilized it and prevented it from biting him,’ said Gilmar Carteri, a doctor at Sao Luiz hospital.

‘The boy was very shaken up – I think it was a self-defense instinct that kicked in, or he thought it was a toy.”

(Picture: CEN)

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