Woman Spews Everywhere During Impressive Deadlift
- Publish Date
- Thursday, 11 February 2016, 7:56AM

Have you ever done something awesome and then gone and vomited everywhere to ruin it? Yeah, heaps of times when we're drunk. So we kinda know how this chick feels. Kinda.
Powerlifter 'blondbeautybri' was competing at the Raw Unity Powerlifting Championships last week when she managed to pull an impressive weight in the deadlift.
However, as she was holding her position, she began vomiting right in front of the judges. ON the judges in fact.
She said:
"I'm not embarrassed not ashamed of this I'm actually proud of myself for not giving up like most lifters would! So many people are saying so many things like it's "gross" "nasty" "chicken dance" whatever yes it's gross and nasty and yes I like to do the chicken dance to pump my lats before my lift but at the end of the day I still got my final attempt deadlift and I wouldn't change anything at all."
Of course there are memes now...