Listen to Secret Sound The Podcast

Publish Date
Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 1:59PM

ZM's $50,000 Secret Sound The Podcast 

Keep up with Soundkeeper Brooke, who has a $50,000 secret 🤫 Guess the sound, win the cash!

Listen to the sound, dive deeper into all of the clues, incorrect guesses, and enjoy exclusive extra content that may just give you the insider info you need to win the $50,000 prize.

Play ZM on the free iHeartRadio app, and call 0800 DIAL ZM weekdays at 7AM, 8AM, 11AM, 1PM, 4PM & 5PM to have your guess at scoring $50,000.

Follow @zmsecretsound on Instagram, join ZM's Close Friends Facebook group, and sign up to our newsletter to get exclusive clues, info and more...

Make sure you also turn on post notifications, cause Secret Sound Insty followers got to hear the sound early when Brooke went rogue!

Think you know the sound? Guess Online correctly first and score $1,000 thanks to our mates at Super Liquor x

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